
Xavier & Ryan share the excitement of robotics with a younger generation by letting them take control of our robot at a local outreach event.

Otto helps new FIRST teams thrive in one of our many FLL outreach programs.

Team Great Britain and Team USA proudly extended a global hand of friendship during the 2023 first global challenge, as we donated our first global robot along with robotics parts to help kickstart new FTC teams in Rwanda!

Ryan uses his FTC knowledge and understanding to help younger FTC competitors have a fighting chance in our middle school robotics program

The Importance of Outreach in Blackout Robotics

Outreach is a crucial part of our team philosophy at Blackout Robotics. We believe that it's not enough to just be passionate about robotics and excel in competitions. We also have a responsibility to give back to our community and inspire others to pursue STEM fields. We believe that by reaching out to younger students and the general public, we can create a ripple effect that will have a positive impact on the future of STEM. One way we prioritize outreach is through volunteering at local schools and community events. We enjoy demonstrating our robots to younger students and explaining the basics of robotics and programming. We hope that by doing this, we can spark their interest and inspire them to consider STEM fields in the future. Additionally, we make sure to be inclusive and welcoming to all students, regardless of their gender or background, in order to create a safe and supportive environment for them to learn and grow. We have found that sharing our knowledge and expertise with others is a great way to not only help others learn about robotics, but also to improve our own understanding of the subject. We also participate in various competitions and events throughout the year, which allows us to network with other teams and individuals in the STEM community. By doing so, we hope to broaden our perspectives and continue learning from others. Ultimately, we believe that outreach is a critical aspect of our team and essential to achieving our mission of inspiring the next generation of STEM leaders. 

Xavier shares his love for robotics with the next generation of STEM enthusiasts in a robotics presentation in Barcelona