Centerstage- CAD/Robot design

This is page is dedicated to our CAD of our Centerstage Robot-  its designed  for  Centerstage and is our own original design. Our CAD experts Sebastian and Otto worked tirelessly to produce this design that works well for this year design challenge and we are exited to show the produced version .  Last year we used Onshape for our design but this year we designed our robot in fusion 360 which in our opinion is a more versitile for design and group projects. If your team wants specific help/advice  with CAD and design please feel free to contact us  through the section on our website.


This years drivebase is designed for maximum agility and speed. For our drive motors we use a 9:1 gear ratio on REV ultraplanetery motors. This ensures that the robot is fast but still has enough torque.  This year we also designed our drivebase to be low and narrow  meaning that we can easily fit under the stage door and  that we can fit through the trusses. Our drive base designer Otto also maximized internal space by using perpendicular gearboxes in the side plates in order to fit other mechanisms in the drivebase

Scoring mechanism

Here our intake will drop the pixels onto the outake and scoring mechanism  we can see our angled in outake mounted on Gobilda viper slides for a smooth transistion up to the backdrop. These slides are perfectly angles in order to be paralel to the backdrop. Our intake powered by  servos flips over and then precisely drops the 2 pixels into the backdrop allowing to score. Overall we are incredibly happy with this system and are confident that it will deliver


See how our intake effortlessly grabs pixels, drops them onto the backboard, and repeats the process with precision and ease.  Here  as you can see we use an active intake that allows us to pick up pixels with presision and speed. The tubing shuffles the pixels up the ramp and into our outake allowing for a effortless transition to the scoring mechanism Crafted for top-notch performance, this intake system is a game-changer for the 2023-2024 Centerstage season. 

Front view

Here we can easily see the front view of the robot and all of our mechanisms intergrated into one seemless design. Sebastian and Otto worked tirelessly so that all of the individual components would all intergrate toguether and flow seemlessly creating  a robot where all conponents work toguether to form a robot that can dominate this years game. We have also included our hangers in this design allowing us to hang with ease. This is our most up to date version of our cad /

Top view

                                          Back view

This is the back view of our robot revealing our control hubs and battery position. This design allows us to maximise space on the inside of the robot for our innovative scoring mechanism while also allowing to have an easily accesible place for wiring battery mounting . Our innovative latch on the back of the robot  allows to have organised and efficient cable management and it also allows for quick battery changes in the heat of an intense tournament where efficiency is key.